Simpson & Partners EV Charger

A picture of the Simpson & Partners team in their Cotswolds based EV Charging factory

Long before we started making EV chargers, we were just like you

After opting for an electric car, we started exploring the available home charger options, but what we found didn’t excite us much. We realised that if we wanted to find a charging option with great build quality and aesthetic appeal, we would have to build one ourselves, and so, our journey began.

We’ve been making EV chargers since 2016. Original founders of the firm Andersen EV, we saw the company expand to become a global supplier with clients worldwide. Success brought rewards and challenges. We learnt about running a business and the struggles of keeping faith with a vision when things scale up, and investors with different values come on board.

Why settle for ordinary when you can have exceptional build quality, performance and design appeal in your EV charger? Starting from £649, our chargers are refreshingly affordable. Using our know how, we do exactly this. We make high-quality chargers at an affordable price.




Simpson & Partners EV Chargers logo


When we started Simpson & Partners in 2021, we began our journey all over again, using all the experience we have gained over the years to create something even better. Our principles are simple.

Production process of the Home Series EV Charger


We make products that set industry standards for design, user experience and build quality.

The team in the Cotswolds based factory


We started as a family run firm business and a family run business we will remain. Our decisions are influenced only by considering what is best for our products and for our customers. We are personally involved in every part of the business, from design, manufacturing, delivery and admin to cleaning the floors.

Picture of the Cotswolds


The heritage and natural beauty of our home Cotswolds has a huge influence on the products we make. When it comes to design, we are classic, we are British, and we are proud.

The Simpson & Partners home series EV Charger being spray painted


We don’t cut corners with our materials. We work with UK suppliers to reduce Co2 and shipping costs. We create products made to perform throughout the seasons for year after year.

Behind the scenes image of the Cotswolds factory


Good customer service and making a good product go hand in hand. We want to delight our customers. We personally care about how people are treated. Our suppliers feel like an extension of our own family. We are a small business, and we want every customer to know that they count.

About Us

David Simpson A professional self-starter with years of IT project management at Lloyds Bank under his belt. David is known for being a strong free thinker and co-founded Andersen EV in 2016. With his maverick business instinct, he leads his team of software and hardware experts and inspires all those around him to do even better. A family man with a natural bounce back ability. He likes no-nonsense straight talk, watching Moto GP and is as anti-corporate as they come.

Mandy Simpson Mandy brings a creative heartbeat to Simpson & Partners. A graduate of Central Saint Martins in 1998, she had an18 year career in fashion design before swapping kids wear with co-creating Andersen EV. After leaving in 2021, her entrepreneurial spirit didn’t waiver and she relocated her family from London and started her eponymous company in the Cotswolds. She enjoys bringing exceptional value into the products and enjoys seeing what colour chargers are being selected. Her business strength comes from believing that business is about people: And says that ‘…it’s really important to find something you really like doing because that means that you’ll enjoy it and go above and beyond to make things brilliant.’

David Williams David joins us with a solid 27 years’ experience from Honda. Pragmatic and composed, you’ll find him talking to the team about anything and everything as long as it’s rooted in kindness and Kaizen. Our operations director teaches Kaizen –akin to a Jedi knight; unassuming and collaborative, he can manipulate factory energy to access the best optimisation and efficiency techniques from within his team.

Chas Beecham Chief Commercial officer Chas, originally from Weston, is a qualified electrician with a sharp eye for numbers. His sparky knowledge ensures that S&P products are not only installer-friendly but also compliant with the latest regulations. From his desk in our Cotswolds HQ he leads our commercial sales and support teams. Friendly and calm, he effortlessly provides hassle-free hardware quotes for your commercial charger projects, regardless of their size. Additionally, if needed, he will connect you to S&P’s extensive network of experienced installers across the UK.