Simpson & Partners EV Charger

News & Blog

Heroes of the Sky!

21 May 2024
Today, we’re deviating from our usual posts about EVs or Simpson & Partners. Last Saturday, Mandy, our daughter Mae, and I had the privilege of visiting the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC).
This visit held special significance for our family and some members of the GWAAC team. On June 18th, 2022, Mae, then only eight years old, suffered a brain haemorrhage and stroke caused by a rare condition known as an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM).
It was a particularly memorable experience for the exceptional GWAAC team – Fleur, Mark, and Glyn, who remember Mae so vividly. Their quick thinking and compassionate care on that summer morning changed the course of Mae’s life, saving her from a severe, life-altering brain injury and potential fatality.
The team was completely astounded by Mae’s progress and how well she’s doing now.
Mae’s story is a prime example of how timely and appropriate treatment can make a world of difference. Simpson & Partners will do our utmost to support the GWAAC in the future, and Mandy and I will strive to promote their fundraising efforts.
If you would like to contribute, here’s the donation link.
L-R: Mark (paramedic), Fleur (paramedic), David, Mandy, Mae and Glynn (doctor)